How do you ignite your brand passion when you need it?
Start with the fun bits first!
Forcing yourself to write an article from top to bottom can be mentally strenuous and can create anxiety or content that feels constipated and ungenuine to your tribe. Why do the hard bits first and assume your inner creative will just show up? It’s hard work!
Ignite your Brand passion instantly and connect with your inner creative by focusing on the fun bits when writing any content.
Your inner creative loves foreplay and enjoys time out doing her creative dance under a sparkly spotlight. She loves playing with you when you’re in the zone and always joins you on the journey when invited.
Brainstorming from a place of passion is creative foreplay.
Forget structure, detail or the end result!
Focus on what’s fun and exciting about your content and start writing. You will be driven by a force stronger than your inner critic, finishing with a piece that exceeds your previous thought limitations.
By starting any business endeavour from a passionate authentic mindset, we infuse that project with our own groovy kind of love. And that love is contagious to our community! It’s why they opt in! Our content becomes high vibe addictive emotion, leaving them hungry for more.
“The truth is people don’t fall in love with ideas at all. They fall in love with how those ideas, products, services and places make them feel.” Bernadette Jiwa Difference
So how do we switch on our brand passion when we need it?
Go straight to the fun bits of any project to align yourself instantly with your inner creative. An easy way to get there is to generate momentum by brainstorming key words that resonate with the most passionate bits for you.
Don’t know what I’m talking about? Here’s an example of how I came up with the post you are reading now;
My brand radar got aroused during a Podcast when I heard the presenter mention “start with the fun bits”. I made a note of that line because it resonated with my brand vision. A few days later I sat down with a cup of tea and started to write only words that sparked my passion about why the fun stuff first. Here are some words that came out; passion, fun, juicy, flow, energy, contagious, infuse, share, authentic, foreplay.
Once these words were given permission to flow and evolve this post you are reading started to become clearer. Insights came to the forefront and sentences started to form. This is a process I use with all my clients for single blog posts, 30 days of social media content or re-launching their brand. It’s easy and it always achieves maximum results.
Finding the fun bits first infuses your post with contagious passion.
Implementing a process like this one plonks you straight into your brand vision and infuses it with authentic love and the motivating WHY of what you do. The magic starts to happen once you have re-ignited your fire and you keep the momentum moving by continually writing. Fill your page with inspired words about your project. Use crayons if it adds an element of play and freedom. There is no need for structured sentences, only high vibe words that spark your fire. When you feel it’s all out and you have reached a heightened state of ecstasy – go back and circle the juicy bits. Certain words and phrases will pop out at you. Structure some into sentences and from there start editing and putting pieces together. Rewrite and restructure all of that juicy goodness you just created to form your blog article.
“The only differentiator in the game is your passion and your hustle.” Gary Vaynerchuk
Writing content from your passion space infuses your brand with love and “the why” of your business vision. It’s the authentic connection we admire in others and long for in our own biz.
It’s in you because your brand is your creation! Never doubt it, instead nurture it. Getting caught up in the running of a business can hide our brand vision or misplace it for a while. You’re not alone as it’s common for business owners to focus on future outcomes or worst case scenarios, it’ part of the process. However let’s not write our content or create our marketing strategies from that space as it does reflect in the final production. Ultimately this kind of marketing can take you away from your dream business.
Creating creative rituals
Creating rituals, like this one, reminds us of our brand vision and generates content confidence. Keep a simple ritual like this one going for 30 days and you will be amazed at your ability to add your brand passion across all your media channels.